Local Site Survey and Transition

Local Site Survey and Transition
First American Business is a leading provider of local site survey work and transition deployments of new telecom systems.  Our team follows a rigorous process and will complete all planning activities and complete transition activities for a customer’s deployment.   Installation and transition activities are documented in our proven First AB Ops Guide.  Details of the First AB activities include:

  • Schedule
  • Transition Plan
  • Transition Team Personnel
  • Transition Activities
  • Post-Cutover
  • De-installation


One of the key activities that is initiated when the First AB PMO receives the written approval by the customer to coordinate the site(s) for the transition phase is our detailed schedule.  Our team acknowledges the transition timeframes for installation and cutover criteria for the various type of sites detailed in contract.  First AB acknowledges that the Transition will occur on a phased roll out in conjunction with the data centers being operational


A second key activity linked is a Site Survey and Report that is the development of the site-specific Transition Plan document.  The document will be prepared using a First AB template based on the size and type of the facility to be transitioned.  The Transition Plan will provide details on the transition process, associated activities and other information necessary to ensure a smooth cutover to the new system.

The development of the Transition Plan will contain design details such as a list of DID numbers to be deployed provided by the customer.

The First AB PMO will submit the completed Transition Plan to the customer for review and approval within 10 days of receipt. The First AB team will review the Transition Plan throughout the transition phase to ensure conformance with the systems design and update as required.


The goal of the First AB PMO is to utilize the same 2-person team that conducted the site survey for the transition.  This approach will increase efficiencies due to the team’s familiarity of the site and the customer’s on-site team members.  The core survey team is comprised of a software specialist/trainer and technician.  The core team for larger sites will be augmented by additional trainers and/or technicians.


Following customer approval of the First AB Transition Plan the field location will be scheduled for transition.  Our transition team will execute the Transition Plan following the typical weekly installation and transition schedule described in First AB Ops Guide.

Our on-site team will complete the following site transition tasks:

  • Unpack and inventory all equipment, telephones and wireless headsets (as applicable)
  • Check all new DID numbers;
  • Install equipment and place telephone sets – reuse existing LAN cable infrastructure
  • Install and terminate new cabling as identified in the Transition Plan;
  • Identify/label LEC circuit cross connects and termination blocks with permanent labels
  • Prepare connectivity to existing paging, fax and other analog devices and/or circuits.

Post-installation Testing:

Prior to the cutover of each field location, the First AB team will perform an end-to-end voice quality assessment under load conditions after hours. Testing will be conducted using a Test Plan listing the following tests and desired outcomes.  The completed Test Plan document will be used to develop the Voice Quality Report for submittal to the customer for review.

  • E911
  • UC functionality
  • Contact Center application (if applicable)
  • An end-to-end voice quality test that measures one-way latency;
  • Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality (PESQ) score;
  • Mapping of PESQ to Mean Opinion Score-Listening Quality Analysis (MOS-LQO) score;


Our team will deliver the appropriate end-user, site admin and telephone coordinator site-specific training.  Training will be delivered in a classroom setting with sufficient walk-around training provided following the cutover.


Our transition team will conduct all cutover activities after normal business hours.  Activities during this event will include:

  • Transition traffic from legacy equipment to new system;
  • Connect fax machines, overhead paging systems and other analog devices to new system;
  • Connect new telephone sets;
  • Remove all legacy telephones;
  • Place test calls to verify call flows


Our transition team will remain on-site for two days following cutover to address training questions from the end-users, and site admin personnel.  In addition, the team will troubleshoot any inoperable device that may surface.

Within 72 hours following the cutover, the transition team will certify that the First AB system is operational and free of defect after meeting with the local Site Manager. Our team will provide documentation to support that:

  • The system meets all capability and performance requirements as outlined in the Transition Plan;
  • Site specific call flows have been implemented and tested;
  • Site training has been satisfactorily conducted.


Following the successful cutover of the new system our team will commence the de-installation phase.  All legacy telephone systems and ancillary equipment will be removed, inventoried and packaged for shipment to the agreed upon facility for the appropriate disposition in accordance with all applicable regulations.  The team will remove all hard drives and other storage devices from removed switching equipment and deliver to the local customer field manager.